11. T4SU Ruby API

Everything explained in this manual can be reproduced through the Ruby Console.


This section is still under construction, and only presents a few limited examples. Nonetheless, we encourage you to understand the logic behind these small scripts and adapt them to your own needs.

11.1. Readers:

AscReader.new.readAndPlot("d:/tleduc/t4gs/papers/scan-2016/dev/data/dem_ecn_5m.asc", 1.m, true, 1)

11.2. Sampling:

SampleFacesAreas.new("vegetation", 15.m, true, -10.cm).run

11.3. Listing Samples :


Returns the number of entites.

11.4. ProjectAllong Z Axis :

ProjectAlongZAxis.new("SampleFacesAreas_15.00.m_15.00.m", true).exec

Select “true” for “upwards” and “false” for “downwards”.


11.5. Make Layer Invisible :

Sketchup.active_model.layers['vegetation'].visible = false

11.6. Remove Layer :

Sketchup.active_model.layers.remove('SampleFacesAreas_15.00.m_15.00.m', true)

11.7. Load Trees :

treeCompDef = Sketchup.active_model.definitions.load("~/tree.skp")
transforms = []
i = 0
EntitiesListing.allConstructionPointsInLayer('ProjectAlongZAxis_upwards_SampleFacesAreas_15.00.m_15.00.m').each {
|p| transforms.push(Geom::Transformation.new(p.position))
Sketchup.active_model.active_entities.add_instance(treeCompDef, transforms[i])
i += 1}

transforms = nil

11.8. Create a Partial 3D Isovist :

pisov = PIsovist3D.new(aperture = Angle.toRadians(30), z0 = 1.6.m, nbRays = 256, transparency = 0.5, spotColorName = 'Red', tetrahedraColorName = 'Yellow', sketchOption = 1)

11.9. Iterating over a Point :

EntitiesListing.allConstructionPointsInLayer('layerName').each { |p|p.set_attribute("sln_dictionary", 'motion_direction:Array', [0,0,-1]) isov.execWithArgs(pickedPoint = p.position, pickedFace = p) }

11.10. Create a line at a point, pointing downards:

EntitiesListing.allConstructionPointsInLayer('...').each { |p| e = Sketchup.active_model.entities.add_edges(p.position, Geom::Point3d.new (p.position.x, p.position.y, p.position.z - 1))

11.11. Create a 3D isovist:

Iso3D = Isovist3D.new(0.m, 20.m,64, 0.5, 'Red', 'Yellow', 1)

11.12. Partial 3D Isovist

Piso3D = PIsovist3D.new(Angle.toRadians(30), 0.M, 20.m, 64, 0.5, 'Red', 'Yellow', 1)